Alexandre Yterce (F)

Acousmatic Night

Commencements (1999)


Alexandre Yterce is a theater director, actor, painter and composer. Author of works for voices and instrumental groups, in 1988 he began composing acousmatic works at the QAccès Digital Studio in Rouen. In 1999 he founded the Rivista-Disco Licences (Music, Arts, Literature). From November 2000 to November 2009 he gave birth to the Festival of Sound Poetry, Poetry Performance, Electronic and Concrete Music / Acusmatica Licences / Brûlures des Langues in Paris.
Since January 2003 he has begun the annual publication of Sonopsys – Notebook of concrete and acousmatic music (bilingual), which hosts interviews with concrete and acousmatic composers. Number 1 was dedicated to Francis Dhomont, number 2/3 to Jacques Lejeune and number 4 to Luc Ferrari. In Paris, where he lives, Yterce proposes the Dramaphonies, scenic actions in which the lyrics are accompanied by vocal, instrumental creations and electroacoustic music compositions. International.