Alfonso Alberti (I)

Alfonso Alberti plays the piano and writes books on music. His great passion is today’s music, in the belief that it is a formidable opportunity to understand the time we find ourselves living in, and ourselves who live in this time. His recital programs love to weave relationships between the different eras, with the intention of showing the unity of the musical historical path.
Alfonso Alberti has played in places such as the Konzerthaus in Vienna, the LACMA in Los Angeles, the Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory, the Paolina Chapel of the Quirinale, the Bibiena Theater in Mantua, the Tonhalle in Düsseldorf; among the conductors with whom he collaborated are Tito Ceccherini, Gustav Kuhn, Yoichi Sugiyama, Arturo Tamayo, Pierre-André Valade.
He has published more than twenty solo and chamber albums, the last of which is the CD for piano and orchestra Giorgio Gaslini – Murales Promenade, published by Stradivarius (Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento, conductor Yoichi Sugiyama). For the same label, the CD with Concerto for piano and orchestra by Goffredo Petrassi (RAI Orchestra, conductor Arturo Tamayo) won the Critics Award for best 2012 album in Italy.
A particularly significant musical and human understanding linked him to Giorgio Gaslini, who dedicated his latest pieces for piano and the Concerto for piano and orchestra to him.
Among his books: The rose is without why. Niccolò Castiglioni, 1966-1996 (LIM), Vladimir Horowitz (L’Epos) and Claude Debussy’s sonatas (LIM). Alfonso Alberti loves the dialogue concert genre, in which to present the ever-changing characteristics of the piano repertoire to the public and to offer ever new interpretations. His ideal is a conscious listening that delves ever deeper into the meanings of music and its labyrinths.
In 2010 the Sky Classica television channel dedicated a documentary to him for the series Notevoli. Since 2017 he has been one of the conductors of Radio3 music lessons. From this same year is his first collection of poems, Due, a four-handed volume with Gianni Bombaci for the publisher Il Raccolto. From 2019 is a plaquette with five of his poems and original temperas by Adalberto Borioli.