Denis Dufour (F)
03/02/2020 – Acousmatic Space IV
La terre est ronde (2002, 11’)

Denis Dufour (b. 1953, France) with more than a 190 works to his credit, he is renowned as a composer in both instrumental as well as electronic concert music.
He studied the classics at the Conservatory in Lyons and at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSMDP). As one of the pioneers of the morphological and expressive approach to sonic writing, his works employ a wide spectrum of parameters in all sonic dimensions, thus contributing to the emergence of a genre that influenced artists and musicians.
Along with his prolific compositional output, he has taught extensively from the late 70’s.
At present he teaches at the Paris Boulogne-Billancourt Higher Arts Education Centre (PSPBB) and at the Regional Conservatories of Paris. He has also taught at the Regional Conservatories of Perpignan and Lyon, and at the CNSMDP. He has been a researcher, lecturer and host for several courses, workshops and master classes in France and abroad. Through his actions and teachings he played a key role in the growth and development of acousmatic art, especially in France, Italy and Japan.
Also an organiser and an artistic director of several events dedicated to contemporary music creation (the Acore Concert series in Lyon, Syntax in Perpignan, Musiques à Réaction in Paris, Futura Festival in Drôme), he was a co-founder of several organisations, groups and instrumental ensembles that have continued to contribute to the musical life in France and worldwide (Motus, Future, Syntax, TM+, Ensemble Linea, Les Temps modernes…).