e-cor Ensemble (I)
15/01/2018 – Bruckner Project II
con Mehr Licht!
Arvo Pärt Remixed w. T.E.S.O.

Electroacoustic music project founded in 2013 by Francesco Altilio, Cristian Maddalena, Mirjana Nardelli and Giovanni Tancredi. Their musical aesthetic is influenced by acousmatic, cinematographic, theatrical and literary art.
The ensemble’s activity focuses mainly on electronic improvisation ranging from conduction to live electronics up to radical improvisation with only the use of the laptop; the latter tends to hide the sound source, the sound gesture does not correspond to the physical gesture, hearing becomes the main meaning and the listener is free to explore and analyze soundscapes.
The working process of the e-cor ensemble converges in the deconstruction of sound, which is deprived of its semantic meaning. Being an extemporaneous composition, each performance has its own uniqueness, the creative capacity at that moment determines the form and structure of the performance. The act of improvisation is not dominated by experimentation, but by a deep knowledge of one’s abilities and limits, improvising becomes a ritual, the celebration of the moment.
Different artistic forms involve them in different compositional processes, including sound design, music for theater and sound; in the works of the ensemble there is no total enslavement of the music to the scene, there is often a clear separation between sound gesture and action; the sound maintains an intrinsic meaning becoming an added value, amplifying the meaning of the images and the artist’s poetics.
Collaboration is one of the most important features of the project, it allows the expansion of languages in complex and articulated forms, and the interpenetration of different artistic experiences, thus creating interactions between performers, musicians, actors, composers. Collaboration becomes one of the most consolidated practices for the ensemble. They study with Elio Martusciello, Simone Pappalardo, Francesco Antonioni, Luigi Ceccarelli. They attended master classes and seminars by Denis Dufour, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Walter Prati, Keiko Harada, Alvin Curran, Roberto Bellatalla, Edison Studio.