Janek Schaefer (UK)
Live set

Janek Schaefer is a sound artist and performer. His artistic research is aimed at examining multiple aspects of sound, applied in site specific installations, exhibition soundtracks, dance and short films, albums and concerts, based on the use of self-built turntables to create manipulated found sound collages.
His “Tri-phonic Turntable”, inspired by Philip Jeck and made in 1997, is in the Guinness Book of Records. His concerts and installations explore the spatial and architectural aspects that sound can evoke and the distortion of technologies. The hybridization of analog and digital instruments is at the service of the manipulation of vinyl recordings, modified live to create evocative and engaging sound environments. In 2008 he won the British Composer of the Year Award in Sonic Art and the Paul Hamlyn Award for the Composers Prize. The Bluecoat Gallery exhibited a retrospective of his 20-year career in 2009. Schaefer is a visiting professor at Oxford Research Sonic Art Research in Oxford, and works in his studio audiOh! Room in Walton-on-Thames, UK. His albums, when not self-produced, are published by numerous labels including FatCat, 12k, Room40 and Temporary Residence.