Privacy Policy

pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

FONDAZIONE CULTURALE SAN FEDELE (hereinafter the “Foundation” or the “Owner”), with registered office in Piazza San Fedele n.4 – 20121 MILAN and VAT number 04225650961, as data controller, informs you, pursuant to ‘art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016 concerning the protection of personal data (“GDPR”), regarding the processing of your personal data.

1. Type of data processed
The Foundation is the owner of the processing of personal data communicated by the User to the writer and include: Surname and name, Tax Code, Address or other elements of personal identification, E-mail

2. Purpose of the treatment
Data processing is carried out by the Foundation in carrying out its activities.
In particular, the Data provided by the interested parties or provided automatically will be processed, with IT and non-IT tools, for the following purposes: Sending information and / or advertising material, including by telephone or internet.
• The lawfulness criterion for which processing is made possible is: The interested party must give consent to the processing of their personal data for the specific purpose.
• The basis of which is confirmed by a legal basis: European Union standard

3. Processing methods
The Data will be processed by the Foundation with electronic and manual systems according to the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency provided for by the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and protecting the confidentiality of the interested party through technical and organizational security measures to guarantee a level of adequate security.

4. Data retention
The data provided by the interested party will be processed for a duration:
• Start Date: from the date of registration.
• Duration criterion: Until revocation of the interested party.

5. Communication, dissemination and transfer of data
The Data will be processed, within the limits of what is necessary, by authorized personnel, adequately trained and trained, by the Data Controller as well as by the staff of third parties who provide services to the Data Controller and carry out data processing on behalf and on the instruction of the latter as responsible for the treatment. In case of communication to third parties, the recipients may be: Employees to use the software More generally, in carrying out their ordinary activities, the Data may be disclosed to subjects who carry out control, revision and certification of the activities carried out by the Data Controller , consultants and freelancers in the context of tax and judicial assistance services, public bodies and administrations, as well as to subjects entitled by law to receive such information, Italian and foreign judicial authorities and other public authorities, for the purposes related to the fulfillment of obligations legal, or for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed and arising from the contractual relationship, including for the need for defense in court.

6. Profiling and / or automatic processing activities
The processing of your data involves profiling or automatic processing. The interested party has the right to obtain intervention by the data controller, to express their opinion and to contest the decision. The data collected automatically are navigation data. Such data, although not collected in order to be associated with the user’s identity, could indirectly, through processing and association with data collected by the Data Controller, allow its identification. In particular: domain of origin, navigation browser, date and time, web page visited, type of device (PC or smartphone).

Following the sending of newsletters, the platform used makes it possible to detect the opening of a message and the clicks made within the newsletter itself, together with details relating to the IP and the browser / device used. The collection of this data is essential for the operation of the implicit renewal of processing systems and an integral part of the operation of the sending platform.


7. Additional subjects connected to the treatment
Further subjects connected to the treatment are:
• Void Labs Snc, via San Martino 103/49, 48018 – Faenza (RA) The Data Controller uses the Voxmail infrastructure to send newsletters. The Voxmail privacy policy can be consulted in Voxmail
• CG Sistemi Informatiche, via Cjavecis 7, 33100 – Udine The websites of the Foundation (,,, are hosted on the hosting service of CG Solutions IT. The privacy policy of CG Soluzioni Informatiche can be consulted at: CG Soluzioni Informatiche


8. What are the rights of the interested party
The interested party may exercise, in relation to the data processing described therein, the rights provided for by the GDPR (articles 15-21), including:
• receive confirmation of the existence of the data and access their content (access rights); • update, modify and / or correct the Data (right of rectification);
• request the cancellation or limitation of the processing of data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or otherwise processed (right to be forgotten and right to limitation) ;
• oppose the processing (right to object);
• propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data in case of violation of the regulations on the subject of personal data protection;
• receive an electronic copy of the data concerning him as an interested party, when such data have been rendered in the context of the contract and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller (right to data portability). To exercise these rights, the interested party can contact the Data Controller by sending a communication to: • Contact type: e-mail
• Contact address: When contacting us, the interested party must make sure to include their name, address, e-mail address to be sure that their request can be handled correctly

Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. Cookies, usually present in users’ browsers in very large numbers, are used for different purposes: execution of computer authentication, session monitoring, storage of information on specific configurations regarding users who access the server, etc.
In implementation of the provisions contained in Directive 2009/136 / EC, which provides for the obligation to acquire the prior and informed consent of users for the installation of cookies used for purposes other than purely technical ones (see Article 1, paragraph 5, letter a), of Legislative Decree lgs. May 28, 2012, n. 69, which modified art. 122 of the Code), two macro-categories are identified: “technical” cookies and “profiling” cookies.

to. Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service “(see art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Code).
They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be divided into navigation or session cookies, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas); analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site; functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria in order to improve the service provided. For the installation of these cookies, the prior consent of the users is not required, while the obligation to provide information pursuant to art. 13 of the Code, which the site manager provides through the content of this information page.

b. Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices may have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and thus express their valid consent.

The user is informed that this site uses only technical cookies. In particular, the website makes use of the Google Analytics service.
No sensitive data is exchanged via cookies. Within the cookies created by and by the services it uses, no personal data are stored that allow to trace and / or know directly the user’s identity and which do not represent a risk to privacy. o for the integrity of the computer systems used by the user to access the Internet communication network or the site. The user can at any time disable the use of cookies from their browser; this choice could cause difficulties in navigating the site. Other sites on which this site may possibly “link” may contain tracking systems to which the owner of the site is unrelated. There is no guarantee that these external sites are equipped with suitable security systems aimed at protecting the data processed and to prevent damage (eg from computer viruses).

No sensitive data is exchanged via cookies. Within the cookies created by and by the services it uses, no personal data are stored that allow to trace and / or know directly the user’s identity and which do not represent a risk to privacy. o for the integrity of the computer systems used by the user to access the Internet communication network or the site. The user can at any time disable the use of cookies from their browser; this choice could cause difficulties in navigating the site. Other sites on which this site may possibly “link” may contain tracking systems to which the owner of the site is unrelated. There is no guarantee that these external sites are equipped with suitable security systems aimed at protecting the data processed and to prevent damage (eg from computer viruses).



Integration to the Privacy Policy document relating to the Google Analytics service

Google Analytics (hereinafter also simply “Analytics”) is a statistics service offered by Google Inc. whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. It is aimed at tracking access to websites and web resources and allows its administrators to generate and view data in aggregate and anonymous form for statistical purposes.
Google Analytics requires, for its functioning, the presence on the pages of the site of a tracking code that identifies the pages visited by users, the domain names and the type of browser of the computers used et al. These data are considered anonymous, since they do not allow the identification of the user’s identity.

Purpose of the treatment
The data collected is used by Google for statistical purposes, in order to evaluate the correct use of the site and to improve its effectiveness.

Treatment of personal data
The processing of the collected data is managed by Google Inc. using IT and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes outlined below and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. For its functioning, Google Analytics uses cookies and the information on the use of the site by visitors generated by them is transmitted to Google and stored on its servers in the United States. The transmission of data to Google uses the anonymization function (IP address masking) provided by the same.
Google will not associate the IP address used by the user for navigation with any other data relating to it and possibly owned by it, unless the user specifically accepts the privacy policy and terms of service of Google Inc .. Such activities and services are to be considered unrelated to the use of the site, which is not responsible for the processing of personal data.
The data collected by the Analytics service are transferred to the servers of Google Inc. and processed there. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google.

For more information, please refer to the link below:

The user can selectively disable the action of Google Analytics by installing the opt-out component provided by Google on his browser. To disable the action of Google Analytics, please refer to the link below:

Third party cookies
During navigation, the user can also receive cookies on his terminal that are sent from different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), on which some elements may reside (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site that the same is visiting.

This site uses the following third party cookies:

The service does not release profiling cookies, treating only aggregate data.

Google Maps

Google privacy policy
Google Product Privacy Guide

Google privacy policy
Google Product Privacy Guide
Browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics

Issuu Privacy Policy
Cookie management
The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies using the settings on his browser.

Attention: the total or partial disabling of technical cookies can compromise the use of the site features reserved for registered users. On the contrary, the usability of public content is also possible by completely disabling cookies.

Disabling “third party” cookies does not affect navigability in any way.

The setting can be defined specifically for different websites and web applications. Furthermore, the best browsers allow you to define different settings for “proprietary” and “third party” cookies.

By way of example, in Firefox, through the Tools-> Options -> Privacy menu, you can access a control panel where you can define whether or not to accept the different types of cookies and proceed with their removal.



Internet Explorer:



It should be noted that this document constitutes the “Privacy Policy” of this site which will be subject to updates.




pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

FONDAZIONE CULTURALE SAN FEDELE (hereinafter the “Foundation” or the “Owner”), with registered office in Piazza San Fedele n.4 – 20121 MILAN and VAT number 04225650961, as data controller, informs you, pursuant to ‘art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016 concerning the protection of personal data (“GDPR”), regarding the processing of your personal data.

1. Type of data processed
The Foundation is the owner of the processing of personal data communicated by the User to the writer and include: Surname and name, Tax Code, Address or other elements of personal identification, E-mail

2. Purpose of the treatment
Data processing is carried out by the Foundation in carrying out its activities. In particular, the data provided by the interested parties or provided automatically will be processed, with IT and non-IT tools, for the following purposes:
Sending information and / or advertising material, including by telephone or internet.
• The lawfulness criterion for which processing is made possible is:
The interested party must give consent to the processing of their personal data for the specific purpose.
• The basis of which is confirmed by a legal basis: European Union standard

3. Processing methods
The Data will be processed by the Foundation with electronic and manual systems according to the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency provided for by the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and protecting the confidentiality of the interested party through technical and organizational security measures to guarantee a level of adequate security.

4. Data retention
The data provided by the interested party will be processed for a duration:
• Start Date: registration date.
• Duration criterion: Until revocation of the interested party.

5. Communication, dissemination and transfer of data
The Data will be processed, within the limits of what is necessary, by authorized personnel, adequately trained and trained, by the Data Controller as well as by the staff of third parties who provide services to the Data Controller and carry out data processing on behalf and on the instruction of the latter as responsible for the treatment.
In the event of communication to third parties, the recipients may be employed in the use of the software.
More generally, in carrying out their ordinary activities, the Data may be communicated to subjects who carry out control, review and certification activities of the activities carried out by the Data Controller, consultants and freelancers in the context of tax and judicial assistance services, entities and public administrations, as well as to subjects entitled by law to receive such information, Italian and foreign judicial authorities and other public authorities, for the purposes related to the fulfillment of legal obligations, or for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed and arising from the contractual relationship, including for the need for defense in court.

6. Profiling and / or automatic processing activities
The processing of your data involves profiling or automatic processing.
The interested party has the right to obtain intervention by the data controller, to express their opinion and to contest the decision.
The data collected automatically are navigation data. Such data, although not collected in order to be associated with the user’s identity, could indirectly, through processing and association with data collected by the Data Controller, allow its identification. In particular: domain of origin, navigation browser, date and time, web page visited, type of device (PC or smartphone).
Following the sending of newsletters, the platform used makes it possible to detect the opening of a message and the clicks made within the newsletter itself, together with details relating to the IP and the browser / device used. The collection of this data is essential for the operation of the implicit renewal of processing systems and an integral part of the operation of the sending platform.

7. Additional subjects connected to the treatment
Further subjects connected to the treatment are:
• Void Labs Snc, via San Martino 103/49, 48018 – Faenza (RA)
To send newsletters, the Data Controller uses the Voxmail infrastructure. The Voxmail privacy policy can be consulted in Voxmail

8. What are the rights of the interested party
The interested party may exercise, in relation to the data processing described therein, the rights provided for by the GDPR (articles 15-21), including:
• receive confirmation of the existence of the data and access their content (access rights);
• update, modify and / or correct the Data (right of rectification);
• request the cancellation or limitation of the processing of data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or otherwise processed (right to be forgotten and right to limitation) ;
• oppose the processing (right to object);
• propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data in case of violation of the regulations on the subject of personal data protection;
• receive an electronic copy of the data concerning him as an interested party, when such data have been rendered in the context of the contract and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller (right to data portability).

To exercise these rights, the interested party can contact the Data Controller by sending a communication to:
• Contact type: email
• Contact details:
When contacting us, the interested party must make sure to include their name, address, e-mail address to be sure that their request can be handled correctly