ph. Riccardo Diotallevi

Monday, 30 Septembre

h.20.30 Church of San Fedele


Organ and live electronics

Laus Angelorum


21€/17€ (student reduction at ticket office – Via Hoepli 3/B mon – fri 10:00 – 16:00)

In collaboration with Österreichischen Kulturforums Mailand

The special evening on Sept. 30 at San Fedele Church sees the return of Christian Fennesz to Milan, an emblematic figure in the recent history of electronic music and also a constant reference in the programming of INNER_SAPCES. The Viennese musician presents a live set commissioned by San Fedele Musica on the specific theme of guardian angels, in reference to Wim Wenders’ film Heaven Above Berlin. Picking up on the German director’s words about the genesis of the film, “I was reflecting on how the worlds of the present and the past coexist in this city, overlapping, dual images in time and space, to which childhood memories, of angels as omnipresent and invisible observers, came to be juxtaposed.” But above all, in reference to the architectural conception of Baroque churches, such as the church of San Fedele, populated with numerous angels carved and painted in various places to signify the presence of spiritual creatures participating in the praise of God of liturgical celebrations together with the faithful and to emphasize the Baroque vision of the union of heaven and earth in sacred space.

Introducing the evening is an organ solo entitled Laus Angelorum composed by Ars Discantica (Massimo Colombo, Antonio Pileggi) with Alessandro La Ciacera on Tamburini mechanical organ and live electronics. A continuum in progression toward the high register, with slowly evolving seven-note chords, accompanied by electronic interventions of quadraphonic spatialization.